In et rhoncus urna. Suspendisse viverra laoreet erat, id commodo dolor placerat eget. Mauris pulvinar egestas ante. Nullam hendrerit feugiat volutpat. Praesent erat enim, sodales et nunc id, accumsan luctus mi. Aenean vitae odio congue, ullamcorper libero vel, ornare nisl. Phasellus commodo ultricies risus, id rutrum tellus. Suspendisse gravida auctor ipsum consectetur volutpat. Aenean ut augue tellus.
Sed non imperdiet tortor. Etiam ac semper ligula, non euismod orci. Sed sed arcu eu tortor tincidunt lobortis. Quisque vestibulum iaculis egestas. Nullam sed lobortis ante. In nec mi ac ex iaculis lobortis eget at dolor. Phasellus urna tortor, feugiat nec ullamcorper quis, viverra eu erat. Curabitur lectus arcu, rutrum a odio at, faucibus lobortis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras volutpat mauris eros, at eleifend nisi dapibus sit amet. Phasellus pellentesque venenatis neque id rhoncus. In scelerisque mi ac dignissim sodales. Aliquam facilisis bibendum convallis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi mattis, urna non vestibulum hendrerit, erat nisi aliquam risus, eget iaculis risus leo et dolor. Quisque ac
I just realized I have been too busy to update my portfolio for some time. Since I’m spending the slow-down of the holidays tuning up my stuff I thought I would share. (I’m trying to get better about it!) Here are the latest clients I have helped with their web presence: Garcia How & Associates are a
Long time no post! I have been busy. This last year & a half brought: a move to my own place (for the first time ever!) acquiring the accounts of the business I used to work for dating (ugh) finalizing my divorce a big server move & lots of smaller server updates a weird health issue
Recently launched: TSM Management Inc, TSM Consulting & Capital LLC & The McMahon Foundation Design brief: This client came to me with three different business he needed sites for. We ended up combining all three businesses into one website, with different color templates to denote each main section. He really likes Notre Dame so we took their
I am reading The Apple Experience right now. I’m only a few pages in & it’s a great book already. It’s clear that a lot of their success is based on their stellar customer service & how they make their clients feel. I mean, c’mon, anyone that follows a brand with such religion-like zeal, must
I am almost always pro-responsiveness when I create a website for a client. Is it extra work? Yes, yes it is. Is it a pain in the ass to test on all devices? Absolutely. However, I really do believe it’s the right way to design a site right now and for the future. Now, that’s not to
What I have done to improve my profile on Pinterest: Switched my profile pic to be my logo. Changed my profile name to Amy Carriere Design by putting my full name in the first name field & “design” in the last name field. Make sure that my profile links to my website. Deleted any blank
I will admit I’m a bit of a cynic about social media so this article from The Anti-Social Media made me laugh this morning: How to Optimize for Facebook Paper. Then I was reading my feed reader this afternoon & saw this headline & laughed even harder: How Should Business Adapt to the Facebook Paper