Why Do Responsive Design?

I am almost always pro-responsiveness when I create a website for a client.  Is it extra work?  Yes, yes it is. Is it a pain in the ass to test on all devices?  Absolutely. However, I really do believe it’s the right…

I Found This Just a Little Hilarious

I will admit I’m a bit of a cynic about social media so this article from The Anti-Social Media made me laugh this morning:  How to Optimize for Facebook Paper. Then I was reading my feed reader this afternoon &…

End of Year Biz Recap

The end of the year is the perfect time to review what worked, what didn’t & decide on the changes you want to make in the new year. I’ve been reviewing a lot lately.  I’ve come up with some simplifications…

Email Marketing

How I Increased My Subscriber Rate by 10x Overnight – this has a couple tips I think could be useful for the average newsletter sender.